Thursday 24 November 2011

New 28mm Wargame Flags and Waterslide Decals

Between recovering from pneumonia and moving house/office to say that the last couple of months have been interesting would be somewhat of an understatement.

But having now recovered and finally unpacked the last packing box its back to the regular design schedule.

This week not only sees the release of shield transfers for, my favorite knights of the early medieval period, The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem, more often called The Teutonic Knights but also two more flag sets for our already extensive range of superb 28mm English Civil War flags.

The Royalist 28mm wargame flag set is for Oxford Trayned Bande of Colonel John Taylor and carries the flags of Captain Robert Deane and Second Captain William Bevan. A rather dramatic set with blood red hearts on a white field, the cross of St George Canton in the upper corner and the Motto Pro Deo, Et Rege (For God and King) emblazoned across the top.

Parliament gets a new 28mm wargame flag set as well in the form of Sir William Norris’s Regiment of Foote. Again another handsome set with its white field and red rose design with both the Major and First Captain represented.

The flags as always are designed using our “living silk” artwork, printed with archival quality inks on archival quality papers for superior design and long lasting quality.

Battle Flag 
Raising the Standard


  1. Thanks Colonel, it is good to be back.


  2. Lovely flags and transfers.
    Do you have any plans to do more HYW, perhaps covering the 1420s? You were once going to do Joan of Arc's pennon I recall - which is a definite gap in the market for a quality one.


  3. Hello Simon, I am indeed working on Joan of Arc, infact it is almost now completed. I am also working with Kingmaker to get a 28mm figure created that will do her the justice she deserves.

    Plenty more HYW, TYW,ECW and ACW on the way as well, finally getting around to the cavalry as well.

    Cheers, Richard

  4. Richard
    Great news - will save some readies for a purchase.
